Linja automatike e prodhimit të tabakave të vezëve

In fact our incredible machines can make up to 6000 egg trays per hour. Wow, that is a lot of egg trays and you making them so fast. And by adopting our machines instead of manual work, you can save time and energy. That means the pain-in-the-ass part of things can be offloaded to our machines, and you can focus on other tasks that actually want your attention. 

Based on this need, the WONGS WS-1000 Makinë për tabaka 1-3 vezë e thatë natyrale has been developed to help everybody manage the complex task of egg packaging with little fret. However, this is designed to save time and money. The entire process of machine handling is autonomous; people should not be required to help at each step. As as result, you can make your production line running smoothly and without any inefficiency.   

Streamline your egg packaging process with automatic machinery

The egg tray production line constitute by several parts working coordinating. The first is the material making system which convert raw material into pulp. This is how egg trays are made at the inception stage. The freshly-made pulp will be molded into the egg trays by an egg tray forming machine. The last is the drying, we have to dry the egg trays first then pack them. These first three processes can be done quickly and easily by our machines very efficient.  

Presently, WONGS is making a major difference in the fabrication of egg trays. The proprietary automated system we created is helping out in improving the way things are done across the industry. Our advanced technology enables us to manufacture egg trays of high quality that are excellent for business.  

Why choose WONGS Automatic egg tray production line?

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KA MBËSHTETJE NGA Automatic egg tray production line-58

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