Have you ever wondered how eggs arrive at the store? It is an exhaustive process involving a number of time-consuming steps. This includes both quality checking and tray packing of eggs. This process is to ensure that the eggs are healthy, fresh and can be sold to customer. Making all of the subtitles manually is too time-consuming and labourious. And it is here that the WONGS Automatic Egg Tray Checking and Packing System comes in handy.
And our sophisticated machine went on to replace our handling of the eggs and is so much easier to work with, just like the WONGS's product called WS-1500 1-4 masina tava de oua uscata naturala. After proper testing of eggs, the operator packs them into trays. This helps you save time and also ensures that the eggs are handled with care so they do not crack when operated. How Our Machine Works For It All To Be Easy
It is a hard job to check eggs manually, and sometimes human errors can make us overlook things, as well as the WS-3000 4-4 masina tava de oua uscata naturala by WONGS. Even if you do it by hand, there are small cracks or dirt on the eggs that can be easily missed. But it will never happen again with our Automatic Egg Tray Checking System. Our machine utilizes intelligent technology to detect issues such as cracks, dirt, and other things even up to minor blood stains that you cannot find. It is designed to separate the two-layered egg fragments, so that only top grade eggs are placed for sale. So, you can vouch for your sold eggs being in prime condition.
Egg handling is automated end-to-end from point of check to pack through our smart packing, also the WONGS's product such as WS-1500 Linie de producție 1-4 tăvi de ouă cu uscător de metal. The eggs lie in small containers and are arranged elegantly for the eggs to breathe. A correct placement, and ventilation is the key to keep it fresh for a long time, and prevent it from getting spoiled. So, by ensuring the eggs are packed properly it helps to keep them safe and available for people to eat.
Dealing with eggs can be a burden for workers and flatten them, which leads to lower efficiency, along with the Linie de producție completă de tăvi pentru ouă cu uscător de metal built by WONGS. All this work powered by a certain amount of stress can cause them to make more errors, and everything else may slow down. Our machine just helps, it does most of the things for you can help everyone with ease. That way, workers can use their time to address other urgent responsibilities. Our system is able to carry more eggs in less time, producing more eggs without having to put any extra strain on your employees.
Hand egg removing can absorb your precious time and money as a lot of workforce requirements, just like the WONGS's product called WS-10000 Linie de producție 8-8 tăvi de ouă cu uscător de metal. Because of our auto test and pack system you will be able to save both time and money. The machine is efficient and do not require constant need on human hand to monitor it so your staff can spend the time attending other aspect without babysitting the eggs. In addition to saving you money when it comes to labor costs, this also helps to streamline your business.
Experiență în producție și producție de mai bine de 30 de ani. Serviciul de pre-vânzare este disponibil în timpul vânzării și post-vânzare. Tehnologie de cercetare și dezvoltare independentă. Au propria echipă tehnică post-vânzare, precum și suport tehnic global. Avantajele cooperării cu mărcile: Omron, AirTAC, Hebei Motor, Rulment Renben etc.
Compania noastră este o rețea de vânzări bine stabilită și o echipă profesionistă de post-vânzare. Pe baza experienței și tehnologiei noastre unice, linia de producție a tăvilor pentru celuloză și matrițele pentru celuloză se remarcă din mulțimea de produse similare. În prezent, clienții noștri sunt împrăștiați în toată țara și, de asemenea, cantitatea exporturilor de produse crește în fiecare an. Produsele noastre sunt acceptate de un număr tot mai mare de clienți și sunt exportate în Europa, America de Sud, Asia de Sud-Est și Africa etc. de pe tot globul. Hebei Wongs Machinery salută clienții noi și existenți să vină la fabrica noastră pentru a discuta despre afaceri!
O suprafață totală de 50,000 de metri pătrați. Există trei ateliere de producție, precum și un atelier de vopsire cu spray. Compania noastră a investit în linii laser complet automate, linii de tăiere complet automatizate, echipamente de îndoire complet automatizate, centre de prelucrare CNC și o varietate de mașini de gravat matrițe pentru a produce cele mai eficiente echipamente care pot servi bine fiecărui client.
We have an independent R&D team and regularly update our equipment each year. Production of the product is automated, saving the cost of labor. The equipment is easy to operate and secure in production.Control system for equipment that is intelligent:Pulping Control of pulp ratio as well as concentration regulatorInverter-controlled form machine is easy to use and operate.Drying: temperature controllerPackaging: automatic packing machine with a single line of production for sorting, packing and counting.
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