Packing of fruit is a very important factor that helps in getting fresh fruit from international farms to the people globally. After harvesting fruits must be packed carefully so as not to get damaged during transport to stores and homes. We have to ensure that fruits should not get damaged in any way and preserved in such a manner that people can consume it for a while. There is also a new technology that has recently become popular, which is a way to package fruit, pulp molding technology. This technology is improving fruit packaging while being environmentally friendly. So far, a large company specializing in fruit packaging, named WONGS, is at the forefront of this exciting transformation in the industrial packaging sector.
Pulp molding tray is a big shift in how we package fruit. Unlike plastic, these trays are made with recycled paper, making them more environmentally friendly and able to decompose. These trays are environmentally friendly, and help get rid of waste and pollution. They are ideal for farmers and sellers who want to use green packaging to safeguard our planet. Pulp molding technology can form the trays into various shapes, which are more effective depending on the kind of fruit. That means, regardless of the type of fruit, there is a tray just for that.
Beyond being great for the environment, pulp trays help recycle waste and protect the fruit. Pulp trays are also shock absorbent, unlike the older packaging materials such as plastic and styrofoam. That way, there is lesser possibility for the fruit to get damaged when it is being transported from one place to another. Fewer spoiled or damaged fruit in transit means less money lost for farmers and retailers. This is a positive for all of us, as it will bring better prices for consumers and less overall wasted food.
As it provides more efficient and enhanced packaging solutions, WONGS, for instance, specializes in pulp molding machines. These machines are extremely sophisticated and assist in making the packaging easier, more precise, and to maintain uniformity. They can generate large numbers of trays in many different shapes and sizes. These machines allow WONGS to quickly produce various kinds of pulp trays, especially useful for busy farmers and sellers that want to package their fruit conveniently.
The pulp molded trays are reusable, recyclable and compostable. They're also robust; they can survive the rough and tumble of shipping and storage. That way, even when they are piled high or packed close, they won't break apart at the seams. They’re also easy to stack, which conserves space when shipping. Many people prefer these trays for product packaging because they are ecological and robust. They are practical and contribute towards making our planet more healthy.
Покрива површину од 50,000 квадратних метара. У оквиру објекта се налазе три производне радионице, а једна од њих је и фарбање. Инвестирали смо у ЦНЦ обрадне центре за ласерско сечење, савијање и ласерско сечење, као и другу потпуно аутоматизовану опрему.
Our business is backed by a a well-established sales network, and an experienced after-sales team. The paper pulp tray as well as moulds for paper are unique in comparison to other products due to the fact that they rely on unique technologies and years of experience. The number of customers in the country is growing, as are the export volumes. A growing number of people are accepting our products, and they've been exported to Europe, South America and Southeast Asia, Africa, etc. around the world. Hebei Wongs Machinery welcomes new and existing customers to come to our factory and negotiate!
Преко 30 година искуства у производњи и производњи Пре-продајне услуге, како током продаје, тако и након продаје Технологија за независно истраживање и развој Посвећени постпродајни тим, као и глобална техничка подршка Предности сарадње са брендом: Омрон, АирТАЦ, Хебеи Мотор, Ренбен Беаринг, итд. .
Имамо независни тим за истраживање и развој и стално ажурирамо нашу опрему током целе године. Процес производње је аутоматизован и смањује цену рада. Опрема је безбедна и једноставна за употребу. Интелигентни систем управљања за опрему Пулпирање: Регулатор концентрације, интелигентна контрола односа пулпе Контролисана инвертером, машина за обликовање је једноставна за руковање и управљање. Сушење: Регулатор температуре Паковање: Аутоматска машина за паковање која користи једну линију за бројање, брање и паковање.
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