His patented process is called pulp molding, where old paper gets transformed into distinctive trays used for nothing but eggs. WONGS a company with that in mind are producing greener egg packages from this technology Not only are these packages environmentally friendly but they also address the cost effect, which is ideal for the businesses!
Plastic or styrofoam trays, which used to hold eggs ago. On the bright side, these materials are light and convenient to handle. but they are hella bad for the earth. It takes a long time for them to decompose once they are thrown away and it only adds to the big problem of plastic waste we have in our oceans. We are not looking for this type of our beautiful Earth!
Laakiin malee maxaa jira? Khadka wax-soo-saarka saxarka wax-qabashada is a far superior alternative! This solution is in the form of an egg tray made from recycled paper and water that comes in multiple configurations based on the quantity of eggs it needs to accommodate. It simply means we can produce trays which are tailor made to suit our exact requirements, so at least this reduces the amount of waste companies are creating. Less waste since the trays are produced for their needs. Not only does this saves companies tremendous amount of money but it also conserves our beloved Earth!
This unique system takes advantage of the heat to form the pulp into its shape. The result? Mashiinka baakadaha saxanka ukunta that protect eggs during transit or storage. This is fantastic as with this technology, WONGS can produce many trays at the same time and is far more constructive for businesses of any size, whether they are large or small!
Saving money is not the only benefit of Pulp molding, it's also one of the best way corporates can save environment. When choosing egg trays that are sustainable, food companies benefit from improved packaging to better meet customer demand. People, people everywhere are begining to care about how their products after the planet, so businesses that make good choices can bring in more customers!
The WONGS tray maker is manufactured and delivered pretty quickly to ensure that customers receive their trays when they require them. This aids their friendly team to work closely with each customer, to establish what egg packaging is required. That way, everybody gets the best product for them.
A customer places an order, WONGS Mashiin saxan wareeg ah is able to both tray the part or piece out using their unique system. The trays are ready and the eggs never have to leave them until they get delivered quickly and safely, protecting them even before it enters storage. And this gives businesses the confidence that they will have all of the supplies from WONGS at their fingertips when they need them!
Shirkadeena waxay ku qalabaysan tahay shabakad iib ah oo dhisan iyo waaxda iibka kadib xirfad sare leh. Iyada oo lagu saleynayo guusheeda isku dhafka gaarka ah ee khibradda iyo tignoolajiyada, khadka wax soo saarka saxarka xaashida iyo caaryada saxarka waraaqaha ayaa ka mid ah alaabada kale ee la midka ah. Maanta, macaamiishu waxay ku baahsan yihiin dalka oo dhan iyadoo tirada dhoofinta badeecadaha ay sii kordhayaan sannad kasta. Alaabadayada waxaa lagu qiimeeyaa macaamiil aad iyo aad u badan waxaana loo dhoofiyay Yurub, Koonfurta Ameerika, Koonfur-bari Aasiya iyo Afrika iwm oo dhan adduunka oo dhan. Ku soo dhawoow macaamiisha cusub iyo kuwa hore si ay u yimaadaan oo ay ugala hadlaan ganacsiga Hebei Wongs Machinery!
Meeshu waa 50,000 mitir oo laba jibbaaran. Saddex goobood oo wax soo saar ah iyo dukaan rinjiyeynta buufinta. Waxaan ku maalgelinay xarumaha mashiinnada CNC ee goynta laysarka, foorarsiga iyo khadadka goynta laysarka, iyo sidoo kale qalab kale oo dhammaystiran oo iswada.
Shirkadeena waa waax R&D oo madax banaan. Qalab kala duwan ayaa lagu hayaa sanad walba shatiyada cusub. Wax soo saarka alaabooyinka ayaa si buuxda otomaatig ah u ah, taas oo ka caawisa badbaadinta kharashyada shaqada. Qalabku waa sahlan yahay in lagu shaqeeyo oo badbaado u ah wax soo saarka.Qalabka xakamaynta nidaamka caqliga leh: Xakamaynta xajinta saamiga saxarka iyo xakamaynta fiirsashada Mashiinka foomamka ee ay maamusho rookaha waa sahlan tahay in la isticmaalo oo la shaqeeyo. khadka tirinta, soo qaadista iyo baakaynta.
Khibrada wax soo saarka iyo wax soo saarka ee ka badan 30 sanoOne-stop-dukaanka adeegga, iibka, iibka ka hor iyo sidoo kale iibinta ka dib.Cilmi-baaris madax-bannaan iyo tiknoolajiyada horumarintaWaxay leedahay koox taageero iibka ka dib, iyo sidoo kale kaalmo farsamo caalami ah iskaashiga Brand iskaashiga Faa'iidooyinka: Omron, AirTAC, Hebei Motor, Renben Bearing, iwm.
Xuquuqda daabacaadda © Hebei Wongs Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd Xuquuqaha oo dhan way xifdisan yihiin - Qaanuunka Arrimaha Khaaska ah