Eggs are a staple in many households around the nation. They are added to breakfast, baking and most meals. Small beeraha could supply this, but we are not talking about a small farm producing the eggs we consume — we are laying millions of eggs every day. The high demand among people to procure chickpeas and use them in various dishes is due to this. However, eggs are fragile. As such, they are fragile and have to be maintained throughout the production process. Drying egg trays after cleaning them is an important step towards ensuring that eggs are ready for sale. That is why we consider this
Our Egg Tray Drying tunnel Includes A number Of Advanced, Intelligen Technology To Dry Those Egg Trays More Faster. With a hot air system: it allows HOT air to be blown around the inside of the tunnel. This ensures that the trays are thoroughly dried before they're put back into service for the next round of eggs. This technology is intelligent enough to help the
WONGS' Egg Tray Drying Tunnel is constructed to last which is perfect for farmers who have long-term cost saving at heart. It is built using top-notch materials that are highly durable and will not go down without a fight with daily use on the never-ending farm. It is built to be a tough beast, meaning farmers cash be assured of a long life span without needing likely replacements.
WONGS' Egg Tray Drying Tunnel enables the trays to be evenly dried, unlike so many other alternatives. Beeraley really benefit from this because it reduces in broken eggs during transfer of eggs from one point to another. Not only does consistent drying make work go on with no breaks, but also they can be packed in the trays at any time.
Tusaale ahaan, YAAB Egg Tray Drying Tunnel suitable for modern farms is designed to be safe and easy. It is a user-friendly control panel that helps farmers to use it without any complications. It offers good safety features to prevent accidents as well.
Waxaan leenahay koox R&D madax banaan oo si joogto ah u cusbooneysiin qalabkeena sanadka oo dhan. Habka wax-soo-saarka ayaa si toos ah u shaqeynaya wuxuuna yareynayaa qiimaha shaqada. Qalabku waa ammaan waana sahlan tahay in la isticmaalo.Nidaamka kontoroolka caqliga leh ee qalabka garaacista: Xakamaynta xoogga saarida, xakamaynta caqliga leh ee saamiga saxarka Waxaa maamula rogaal-celinta, mashiinka foomka waa sahlan tahay in lagu shaqeeyo oo la maareeyo tirinta, qaadista iyo baakaynta.
Shirkadeena waxay leedahay koox iib ah oo khibrad leh iyo koox taageero iib ka dib ah oo khibrad leh. Saxarada loogu talagalay saxarka waraaqaha iyo caaryada saxarka waraaqaha ayaa ah kuwo gaar ah marka loo eego alaabada kale sababtoo ah waxay ku dhismeen tignoolajiyada gaarka ah iyo sanado khibradeed. Tirada macaamiisha isticmaala dalka ayaa sii kordhaya si la mid ah tirada dhoofinta. Badeecadahayadu waxay helayaan aqbalaad iyagoo kordhinaya tirada macaamiisha waxaana loo dhoofiyaa Yurub, Koonfurta Ameerika, Koonfur-bari Aasiya iyo Afrika iwm adduunka oo dhan. Hebei Wongs Machinery waxay soo dhawaynaysaa macaamiisha cusub iyo sidoo kale kuwii hore si ay u yimaadaan warshadeena oo ay ka hadlaan baahidooda!
Aaggu waa 50 000 mitir oo laba jibbaaran. Saddex goobood oo wax soo saar ah iyo hal aqoon-is-weydaarsi rinjiyeynta buufinta ah. Waxaan ku maalgelinay xarumaha mashiinada CNC oo ay ku jiraan goynta laysarka iyo khadadka foorarsiga, iyo qalab kale oo si otomaatig ah u dhammaystiran.
More than 30 years of production and manufacturing expertisePre-sale service is available during the sale and after-saleTechnology for independent research and developmentOwn after-sales team and global technical assistanceBrand cooperation advantages: Omron, AirTAC, Hebei Motor, Renben Bearing, etc.
Xuquuqda daabacaadda © Hebei Wongs Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd Xuquuqaha oo dhan way xifdisan yihiin - Qaanuunka Arrimaha Khaaska ah