Are you an egg farmer? Workicasts weighing you down? If indeed you do, then there is something that Wong's Automatic Egg Tray Stacking Machine has to put on you Wishlist! You will be assisted in stacking egg trays without the help of an operator for manually upgrading them by this powerful machine. You likely have a machine stacking all those trays for hours. Thus, WONGS WS-1000 1-3 mashiinka saxaaradda ukunta ee dabiiciga ah ee qallalan can save you a WHOLE bunch of hours of your valuable time and make your job easier to conduct and less mundane.
If eggs need to be stacked manually, then the labour costs will increase and processing time required is also going to be slow. Especially if you have a lot of trays to stack. Wong makes his machine print stackable trays! This reduces a lot as it could get you more eggs lesser time. The tray stacker can load up to 9,000 of these trays in an hour! That’s a lot of trays! This frees you up to focus on other essential items while the machine will then automatically stack it.
In the longer term, by buying machines like Wong's Automatic Egg Tray Stacking Machine for instance, you should be able to save a considerable amount of money because they are very effective and convenient. The reduction in labor cost is one of the most powerful ways RPA can help. Automating tray racking and un-racking may reduce labor costs by up to 70 percent. This will allow you to keep more of your money. And quite frankly, on top of that who could turn down the protection and cooling offered by the Mashiinka saxaaradda ukunta ee gacanta WONGS. If the eggs get broken or spoil this can obviously affect your bottom line. This contraption can assist in preventing this. On the farm time will be shaved off with tighter close to wall design and thus less storage costs due to smaller space saving equipment.
Wong's machine is gaining in popularity with egg farmers around the world as they come to realise it makes possible an even greater number of eggs from all parts of the globe. With this tech, it would — they will be able to produce an egg more efficiently and faster than it has ever been. As previously mentioned this is important in being able to keep up with the demands for fresh eggs as they are always on the rise. This automated machine is not only advantageous in terms of speeding up the process of stacking but is also responsible for preserving the freshness and thereby quality of eggs. After all, this satisfies the customers and helps the farmers to do more sales.
Between labor and the millions egg farmers spend on farm labor — a cost of production that can make up to 70 percent of one dollar (according to federal guidelines) for eggs from cage-free production systems. It is a time-consuming physically exhausting business hand stacking the trays. Wong Automation: Automatic Egg Tray Stacking Machine Using the data platform iFarm Growtune with their Cloudagri farm management software, powered with LED lighting, this saves on labor costs — up to 70 percent; huge for any farmer. Even cooler: the WONGS machine Alaabta operates on its own! Which implies you not need to deliver on extra employees solely to help in stacking up trays. Rather, you can assign to them other duties that require personnel instead of turning them into those who will do the same work. The purpose of this machine is to be able to process much faster therefore more economically to provide a superior product for the market.
Xuquuqda daabacaadda © Hebei Wongs Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd Xuquuqaha oo dhan way xifdisan yihiin - Qaanuunka Arrimaha Khaaska ah