If you are an egg eater you might have noticed that eggs are packed in strong trays. The trays are essential as they are used to protect the eggs and keep them safe during the movement from one place to another. Have you ever considered how are these trays made? Well, you’re in luck! WONGS manufactures molding machines used specifically for producing egg trays, and they recently developed a new model of machine that significantly speeds up the egg tray production process whilst also making it much simpler.
Using advanced technology, this special machine hot-presses and folds paper into strong egg trays. It can realistically generate up to 4,000 egg trays within an hour. Meaning you can pack a lot of eggs a lot faster than ever, so your eggs are ready for customers faster than before!
If you operate a farm where chickens are raised for egg production or a packing facility that handles eggs, you know already how critical speed and efficiency are to your operation. You have customers to keep happy and stay competitive with other farms. WONGS hot-pressing and folding machine is here to aid in your efforts.
The ease of use on this machine is a huge plus. It doesn’t need a lot of assistance from workers, leaving them free to do something else.” It’s a touch screen, so you can easily switch settings, and see the quantity of trays currently being produced. This means you don’t need to bother about its tracking. Furthermore, this machine has safety features which guarantee to ensure that everyone working with the device can remain safe at all times.
In enhancing your output of egg trays, WONGS hot-pressing and folding machine can genuinely aid you in increase egg tray making. It employs cutting-edge technology to produce durable and high-standard egg trays without fail. This means every time the trays will be well-made, you can receive them with trust.
It has a hydraulic system that ensures the exact firmness you need to produce durable trays. And strong trays have to be strong enough to hold the eggs safely. In addition, its edge folding mechanism forms smooth and precise edges, enabling easy stacking and transport of the trays.
Perhaps one of the best returns here is that this machine has a fast production speed, which means you will not be waiting for long before you can have your trays. This machine can manufacture egg trays in various sizes according to the dimensions you require. This is particularly useful because not all eggs are the same and therefore not all need the same tray size. Moreover, it is manufactured with quality components that need minimal maintenance. Most importantly, it allows your egg tray production process to run smoothly and effectively.
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Общая площадь 50,000 XNUMX квадратных метров. Есть три производственных цеха, а также цех покраски распылением. Наша компания инвестировала в полностью автоматические лазерные линии, полностью автоматизированные линии резки, полностью автоматизированное гибочное оборудование, обрабатывающие центры с ЧПУ и различные машины для гравировки пресс-форм, чтобы производить самое эффективное оборудование, которое может хорошо обслуживать каждого клиента.
Опыт производства и изготовления более 30 летПредпродажное обслуживание, обслуживание во время продажи и после продажиТехнологии для независимых исследований и разработокСобственная команда послепродажной поддержки, глобальная техническая помощьПреимущества сотрудничества с брендами: Omron, AirTAC, Hebei Motor, Renben Bearing и т. д.
У нас есть отдельная команда по исследованиям и разработкам, и мы модернизируем наше оборудование каждый год. Производственный процесс высоко автоматизирован и экономит затраты на рабочую силу. Оборудование надежно и просто в эксплуатации. Управление оборудованием с помощью интеллектуальной системы:Разволокнение: Регулятор концентрации, интеллектуальное управление соотношением пульпыФормование: Формовочная машина использует инвертор, который удобен и прост в управленииСушка: Регулирование температурыУпаковка: автоматическая упаковочная машинаПроизводство в одну линию сортировки, упаковки и подсчета.
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