We at WONGS are take pride in making the dry pulp molded trays machines with a special process. Some of you might be thinking, what is WONGS Linea di produzione di vassoi per stampaggio della polpa? Well, the machine is a specific one that contributes in the production of some very crucial products such as egg trays and fruit trays. So great for the environment, as these trays are bad from recycled paper!
This is due to hard work of our designs team, in remaking the drying lines more beautiful. We had a bright idea for how to repurpose that hot air — to dry the trays. This WONGS Sistema di essiccazione del vassoio delle uova does not only save energy but also dry the trays 15 seconds faster. Another great thing, it is greener which means it is good for our Earth!
Our drying line was constructed to be modular so it can work with different number of trays, as well and in different grades of production sizes from small to large. Trays are moved through the machine on the line with a conveyor belt. The trays will not get stuck, and they will also dry evenly. There is ample air movement in the drying area which guarantees that you will have every tray dried to a tee. This is why we use only sturdy materials without scratches and oils to ensure longevity, performance.
Our easy-to-use drying line Trays follow a linear path through the machine while workers can see what happens at all times. That allows them to detect problems immediately. Everything is controlled with a simple panel that can be easily learned and allows workers to adjust settings like temperature, or the length of time trays will dry. This makes it simple to turn the unit on and make sure that it continues to function smoothly.
We are always thinking about the future at WONGS. This new and improved design is to become a sustainability focused no waste — no damage production line. We have modern WONGS Macchina a tamburo rotante per stampaggio della polpa technology that allows us to work smarter with less electricity but without sacrificing the quality of what we produce. Our drying line is an ideal choice for the customers in making premium quality products and getting upper hands on their competitors in the market.
Our company is an independent R&D department. A assortment of equipment is maintained with each year's new patents. The production of the products is fully automated, which helps save expenses for labor. The equipment is simple to operate and safe in production.Equipment intelligent system control:Pulping Control of pulp ratio and concentration regulatorThe form machine controlled by an inverter is simple to use and operate.Drying: Temperature controllerPacking Machine: Automated packing machine that has a single line for counting, picking and packing.
La nostra azienda è dotata di una rete di vendita consolidata e di un reparto post-vendita altamente qualificato. Basando il suo successo su un mix unico di esperienza e tecnologia, la linea di produzione di vassoi per polpa di carta e gli stampi per polpa di carta sono unici tra gli altri prodotti simili. Oggi, i clienti sono sparsi in tutto il paese e il numero di esportazioni dei prodotti cresce ogni anno. I nostri prodotti sono apprezzati da sempre più clienti e sono stati esportati in Europa, Sud America, Sud-est asiatico e Africa ecc. In tutto il mondo. Benvenuti nuovi e vecchi clienti a venire a visitare e discutere di affari con Hebei Wongs Machinery!
Lo spazio è di 50,000 metri quadrati. Tre officine di produzione e un'officina di verniciatura a spruzzo. Abbiamo investito in centri di lavorazione CNC per taglio laser, piegatura e linee di taglio laser, oltre ad altre attrezzature completamente automatizzate.
Esperienza di produzione e fabbricazione di oltre 30 anni Servizio pre-vendita, durante la vendita e post-vendita Tecnologia per la ricerca e lo sviluppo indipendenti Ha un proprio team di supporto post-vendita, assistenza tecnica globale Vantaggi della cooperazione con i marchi: Omron, AirTAC, Hebei Motor, Renben Bearing, ecc.
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