पल्प मोल्डिंग अंडा ट्रे सुखाने का कमरा भारत

The drying room by WONGS use specialized technology to ensure that the trays are dried throughout. Drying begins inside the room, where trays are strategically arranged on different shelves. The WONGS पल्प मोल्डिंग ट्रे उत्पादन लाइन shelves are made to hold the trays firmly in place so that they do not fall, or get damaged during the drying process. These also make sure that the process of drying is one which continues in a smooth and very quick manner as well.

Customizable drying solutions for any pulp molding system

WONGS drying room is very versatile and can be adjusted to meet different egg trays. Thus, you can achieve a longer drying room to suit the specific production requirements of your egg tray-making machine. The drying room is adaptable and will adjust to suit your small, medium, or large trays. Customization is advantageous as each egg farm has their unique needs, a right equipment design has such an considerable impact on production.

Why choose WONGS Pulp molding egg tray drying room?

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