स्वचालित अंडा ट्रे सुखाने प्रणाली भारत

Have you ever considered how eggs make their way from chickens to your plate? It’s quite the journey! Eggs then must be packed in cardboard trays carefully before hitting the market. These trays help keep the eggs protected so they don’t crack or break. They come out of the wash very wet and sticky after the wash. Enter our friends at WONGS! They made a unique अंडा ट्रे पल्पिंग प्रणाली machine that can easily dry egg trays in a short time. So let’s get in, and learn all that there is to know, about how this great machine works!

Reduce labor and increase productivity with automation

धातु ड्रायर के साथ पूर्ण ऑटो अंडा ट्रे उत्पादन लाइन used to be done by hand. It was a long and tedious process as the workers had to stand and dry every tray individually. Can you just picture the drying of dozens of trays all alone! This took a lot of time and a lot of effort. But now, वोंग्स remarkable drying machine has finally solved this issue: various trays can carry the same load to be dried concurrently. This means that no one has to help with the drying process. They can then devote their time to packing the eggs into boxes and putting labels on them, other important jobs. Not only is this quicker, but it makes the business flow smoothly as well. Everyone gets more done, faster, by making it easier on workers!

Why choose WONGS Automatic egg tray drying system?

संबंधित उत्पाद श्रेणियां

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अधिक उपलब्ध उत्पादों के लिए हमारे सलाहकारों से संपर्क करें।

अभी एक उद्धरण का अनुरोध करें

संपर्क में रहें

आईटी द्वारा समर्थन Automatic egg tray drying system-53

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