Pulp molding tray pulping line

Many people these days are in a rush to make their contribution towards reducing our footprint on the environment. In their want of everything to be cleaner and have a better life. One example is the packaging and tray-making industry. We're super excited to be a part of this awesome team at WONGS. So, to help us in producing trays on the eco-friendly manner part, we use a specific machine for making Pulp molding tray pulping line. 

This manufacturing process is also called “Pulp Molding”, Paper moulding mold-Egg tray mold produce our tray. What is pulp molding? With paper, you can argue we are recycling in firat place. This boggles the mind, what is recycling collecting this used paper and converting that to new products? They break that down into pulp like sheet paper. This pulp is used to mould trays after making the pulp. After they are a bit hard we shape the trays, let them dry and we are all set to go. 

Sustainable solutions for packaging and tray manufacturing

These trays are 100% recycled paper as well, another effort of our commitment to lessening the impact on our environment. Compared to these previous tray manufacturing methods, which are the upper range at 30MJ/tray and 21L water/tray, we use energy and water in the lower range with the pulp moulding method. This is essential because saving on energy and water demands safeguards all the natural resources we are left with. Our WONGS trays actually biodegrade back into the earth. That way they do not fill landfills and harm the planet. Ours decompose within years, not centuries and will instead be breaking down in landfill for generations to come. 

Why choose WONGS Pulp molding tray pulping line?

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