Trays are important in packaging multiple items within one area, and so we will dive into the wonderful world of pulp molding tray production. What makes this method unique, is the use of recycled paper and water to produce strong environmentally-friendly trays. The abundant advantages of pulp molding trays have made these a preferred choice by many businesses as ideal alternatives for packaging solutions.
Pulp Molding Trays The process of making pulp molding trays starts with recycled paper and turns that into a mushy pulp. This can be achieved by making the paper smaller and smaller. Subsequently, the pulp is blended with water to form a thick liquid known as slurry. It is then poured into a mold, which helps give the tray its shape. After the slurry is in the mold, heat is applied. The heat allows the mixture to dry out and harden. This is when the tray can be carefully removed from the mold. The trays become available to package goods. This method is not only environment-friendly but also cost-effective for businesses.
Moreover, pulp molding trays are widely beneficial for business as it delivers packaging that is sturdy yet light. It makes sense these trays are quick to carry, stack, and store, making them ideal for transporting high quantities of product at once. Pulp molding trays can be delivered and stored flat instead of occupying much space. This function saves money on travel expenses, crucial for enterprises. With pulp molding trays, companies are able to streamline their product transportation process and make it more efficient.
For example, we have pulp molding trays in various industries such as packaging and farming. These trays are particularly helpful in the farming industry where fruits and vegetables need to be packaged so they're not hurt during shipment. Pulp molding trays are used in the packaging industry to package a variety of products like electronic products, cosmetics, etc. And, they’re also used to safely package eggs, medical supplies, and other delicate things that require an extra level of protection. The pulp molding trays are hugely versatile, and that's why they have such a wide range of uses.
Applications of pulp molding trays in the packaging sectorElecsinnews Companies and corporations are seeking eco-friendly information as well as money-saving options in general. Pulp Molding Trays provide a nice alternative for your problem through their environmentally friendly, economical and robust characteristics, With a rise in online shoppers, strong and dependable packaging are more necessary than ever where they will help make your customers' experiences as worthwhile as possible. As a result, pulp molding trays have become a popular choice for companies looking to protect their products as they are shipped.
The size of the area is 50,000 sq metres. There are three production workshop and a spray painting workshop. Our company has invested in fully automated laser lines, completely automated cutting lines, fully automated bending equipment, CNC machining center and several mold engraving machines to produce more perfect equipment to serve every client well.
Naše společnost má dobře zavedenou prodejní síť a zkušený poprodejní tým. Na základě naší unikátní technologie a zkušeností vyčnívá naše výrobní linka na papírovinu a formy na výrobu papíroviny z řady podobných produktů. V současné době jsou naši zákazníci distribuováni po celé zemi a množství exportů produktů se také rok od roku zvyšuje. Naše výrobky přijímá stále větší počet zákazníků a jsou vyváženy do Evropy, Jižní Ameriky, jihovýchodní Asie a Afriky atd. po celém světě. Hebei Wongs Machinery vítá nové a stávající zákazníky, aby přišli do naší továrny a vyjednávali!
Výrobní a výrobní zkušenosti více než 30 letPředprodejní servis, během prodeje a po prodejiTechnologie pro nezávislý výzkum a vývojMá vlastní tým poprodejní podpory, globální technickou pomoc Výhody spolupráce značek: Omron, AirTAC, Hebei Motor, Renben Bearing atd. .
Máme nezávislý tým výzkumu a vývoje a každý rok modernizujeme naše zařízení. Výroba produktů je plně automatizovaná, což snižuje náklady na pracovní sílu. Zařízení je bezpečné a snadno se ovládá.Řízení inteligentního systému zařízení:Rozvláknění Inteligentní řízení poměru buničiny a regulátoru koncentrace Formovací stroj se ovládá invertorem a snadno se používá a obsluhuje.Sušení: Regulátor teplotyBalení: Automatizovaný balicí stroj pomocí jediné linky pro počítání, vybírání a balení.
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