Because it helps to maintain a good place for the storage of eggs, Egg trays are very useful. They can also be made out of other materials, but the latest trend is a new type of egg tray which is called pulp molding egg tray. Environmental: These egg trays are egg boxes utilises recycled paper for making pulp. We are able to help the environment and save our green earth by making use of waste materials that would ultimately pollute the land
Pulp molding, then again, is just a procedure where our old paper can be reused in order to make helpful things, for instance egg trays. It is a method which works and it is pretty time-saving as well. They make egg trays using a pulp molding system so you can see from the design of the egg tray in these automatic rotary type Ротационна машина за тави. Paper, in this case, old paper is first turned to pulp. This pulp is then molded into an egg tray design and dried. This method allows manufacturers to produce lots of tray eggs at once, making it a more cost-effective over time.
The WONGS approach is developed and offers its own unique features, integrating the best of thermal forming into a pulp molding process. This involves conditioning the pulp molding egg carton to an appropriate temperature. Doing so, it warms the Система за сушене на тава за яйца and that is beneficial in forming the egg cartons into various kinds. This is particularly relevant for manufacturers who require different shapes and sizes of egg trays to suit varied types of eggs or packaging specifications
Egg trays, which are manufactured through the thermos forming method, even have more strength compared to those made with other methods. They are unlikely to crack and break, which is a problem with inferior quality egg trays. Resistance is important too, to make sure that eggs are not damaged during transport and storage.
The wonderful thing about pulp molding Система за пулпиране на тави за яйца is that they are making something out of garbage. This simply means it saves the planet because when old paper is been recycled pollution will be reduced. Less water and energy is used in the process of making pulp for molding than any other manufacturing. This makes the procedure sustainable both in terms of processing methods as well as resource conservation.
Its process involves doing the same, but now it is automatic – a concept of the thermal forming process that WONGS took one step further. This invention helps in making the process faster and less manual. The pulp molding egg trays are heated and shaped using machines, in place of people doing it. This saves time and energy that can be spent on other more resourceful things.
Utilising the automatic thermal forming process, WONGS are able to ensure that all of their egg trays are uniform in size and profile. This uniformity is such an important factor for businesses and how they wish to present their eggs in the pack. It reduces amount of waste made during the production that is environmentally feeling and also helps to lower costs overall.
Нашият бизнес е подкрепен от добре изградена мрежа за продажби и опитен екип за следпродажбено обслужване. Тавата за хартиена маса, както и формите за хартия са уникални в сравнение с други продукти поради факта, че разчитат на уникални технологии и дългогодишен опит. Броят на клиентите в страната расте, както и обемите на износа. Все по-голям брой хора приемат нашите продукти и те са изнесени в Европа, Южна Америка и Югоизточна Азия, Африка и т.н. по целия свят. Hebei Wongs Machinery приветства нови и съществуващи клиенти да дойдат в нашата фабрика и да преговарят!
Имаме независим екип за научноизследователска и развойна дейност и надграждаме оборудването си всяка година. Производството на продуктите е напълно автоматизирано, което намалява цената на труда. Оборудването е безопасно и лесно за работа. Контрол на интелигентната система на оборудването: Пулпа Интелигентен контрол на съотношението на пулпа и регулатора на концентрация Управляван от инвертор, машината за формиране е лесна за използване и работа. Сушене: Температурен контролер Опаковка: Автоматизирана опаковъчна машина, използваща една линия за броене, бране и пакетиране.
Площта е 50 000 квадратни метра. Три производствени цеха и един цех за боядисване със спрей. Ние инвестирахме в обработващи центрове с ЦПУ, включително линии за лазерно рязане и огъване, и друго напълно автоматизирано оборудване.
Повече от 30 години опит в производството и производството Обслужване преди продажба, по време на продажбата и след това Независими технологии за изследване и развитие Притежаване на специализиран технически екип след продажбата и глобална техническа помощ Предимства на сътрудничеството на марката: Omron, AirTAC, Hebei Motor, Renben Bearing и др.
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