WONGS Vervaardigingslyn vir pulpvormbak we a company that really care about our planet and the environment. Researching ways to reduce waste and improve the world in whatever ways they can. That's why they have developed an innovative way to produce sustainable packaging that is friendly to our mother Earth. The technology finds a way to recycle used paper, which other wise might be dumped in as garbage and turn it into a unique biodegradable raw material. This material is then used to pack all kinds of products reducing waste and helping to protect the environment.
The manufacture of this sustainable packaging all begins with the recycling of paper. They cut the paper into pieces first. The next, they blend these portions with water to create a gluey snare called slurry. The slurry is essential as it will help in the formation of the base material for new packaging. This slurry is then transferred to a mold and cast in the form suitable for the desired product. It is then dried in a special machine to shape it. Heating is essential process because helps the material to harden. Within a few moments the material gets a solid, is now ready to add in packaging products.
This new machine is super quick, which is one of the fabulous things about it. It can deliver so many outputs in an hour only. This allows companies to receive the packaging they want fast. The machine can also be configured to produce a variety of packaging shapes and sizes, based on the requirements from customers. WONGS' Verpakkingsmasjien vir verpulp eierskottel are very intelligent, more automation process, less labor and waste doing. Not just is this great for the company, it's excellent for the planet as well.
Creating eco-friendly packaging is great, but you have to ensure that the packaging being created has durable materials. WONGS utilises state of the art in-house facilities and a team of talented, experienced engineers to deliver their end product at the highest qualities with market leading lead times. All tasks are approached with tight quality management subprocesses. The process is carried out by machine to uphold the same high quality for all products. It verifies each step in the process to ensure that everything meets the requirements for your customer.
The machine used by WONGS Roterende skottelbak masjien is highly versatile and allows them to produce a wide range of packaging styles. This means they are free to design the packaging so that it is a perfect fit for the items that will go inside and nothing more. This feature is useful for a range of businesses that deal with electronics, food items, beauty products and so on.
A creative design arm of WONGS, work closely with clients for special designs specific to their needs. They can customize the packaging by incorporating a company logo, message, and any other visual elements. This helps businesses to display products in a fancy manner and is also nature-friendly. Differentiation is key for every business, and customization does just that.
Not only is it great for the environment, but using this state of the art technology to save billions of liters annually in fuel costs is just smart business. Since the plant deals with a great deal of recycled paper, this makes the entire production process less expensive. This means it is a good option for companies whose top priority are looking out for the planet but not at such high costs. It’s a win-win situation!
Vervaardigings- en produksiekundigheid vir meer as 30 jaar Voorverkoopdiens, tydens die verkoop en navolging van Navorsing en Ontwikkeling Tegnologie-onafhanklik Dit het sy eie na-verkope ondersteuningspan, sowel as globale tegniese bystand Handelsmerksamewerking voordele: Omron, AirTAC, Hebei Motor, Renben Draer, ens.
Ons maatskappy het 'n volwasse verkoops- en bemarkingsnetwerk sowel as 'n hoogs bekwame na-verkope span. Die papierpulpskinkbord sowel as papierpulpvorms staan uit in vergelyking met soortgelyke produkte, aangesien dit op unieke tegnologie en ervaring gebaseer is. Tans is ons kliënte oor die land versprei en die hoeveelheid uitvoere van die produkte groei elke jaar. Hoe meer en meer mense ons produkte ernstig opneem, en die produkte is na Europa, Suid-Amerika en Suidoos-Asië, Afrika, ensovoorts gestuur. Regoor die wêreld. Hebei Wongs Machinery verwelkom nuwe en bestaande kliënte om na ons fabriek te kom en hul behoeftes te bespreek!
Ons het 'n aparte R&D-span en gradeer ons toerusting elke jaar op. Produksie is heeltemal outomaties, wat die koste van arbeid verminder. Die toerusting is veilig en maklik om te gebruik.Intelligente stelselbeheer van toerustingVerpulping Beheer van pulpverhouding en konsentrasiereguleerderVorming: Vormmasjien gebruik 'n omskakelaar wat maklik is om te bedryf en te beheerDroog: TemperatuurbeheerVerpakkingsmasjien: Outomatiese verpakkingsmasjien met eenlynproduksie vir pluk , tel en pak.
Die ruimte is 50,000 XNUMX vierkante meter. Drie produksiewerkswinkels is op die perseel geleë, asook een daarvan is 'n spuitverffasiliteit. Ons het belê in CNC-masjiensentrums, lasersny- en buiglyne en ander ten volle outomatiese toerusting.
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