Food: the voedselindustrie cooks eggs every day. It is important to ensure that eggs remain fresh and safe for everyone who consumes them without any fear. How egg trays are useful for carrying and from where? Well, the egg trays must keep it in dry too. It cannot be good for anyone if the trays are wet as they might cause to grow bacteria which can be harmful. Wet trays may also speed up the process of eggs going bad as opposed to dry ones. In order to keep egg trays dry and safe to use, we have designed a special drying system at WONGS.
Drying egg trays using old-fashioned means can be slow and expensive. It can take as much as four or five days for small-time farmers to dry out their trays in the sun. The downside is it’s quite cumbersome for farmers that have to be prepared trays in a hurry. Whereas bigger farms use costly machines and really small holdings cannot hope to have. To tackle the issue, WONGS has designed a fresh drying system that is more affordable and tailored to smallholder farmers. Thus, everyone will be able to use their paid machinery in a more cost-effective manner.
WONGS has come up with an innovation this time, their new drying system can dry the egg trays in minutes which is very less time compared to the traditional way of drying. This will use hot air to remove any moisture from the trays. It is an easy and quick way to have the trays clean and available again quickly. This is in contrast to time-consuming older techniques that have the potential danger of bacteria growth on trays that could be wet. Again, these are not bad eggs and remain fit for consumption; the edible part stays good longer.
Daar is verskillende groottes of egg trays available, They can hold 24 eggs or even 30 / 36 eggs. WONGS knows that people like different designs of egg trays, which is why they have designed their systems to be flexible and can adjust to any size of egg tray. Small-scale farmers can therefore dry only a few trays at a time or many trays depending on how big their farm is. It is a one-size-fits-all kind of solution and can be used by any organization, big or small.
WONGS:The new whoop drying system really changes the way trays are dried in egg production This will expand the utility of the technology to both small and large farms by making the drying process faster and more cost-effective. These changes will benefit everyone which helps keep the eggs fresh and safe for consumers.
Meer as 30 jaar se produksie- en vervaardigingservaringVoorverkoopdienste, beide tydens die verkoop en na-verkoopTegnologie vir onafhanklike navorsing en ontwikkeling 'n Toegewyde naverkoopspan sowel as globale tegniese ondersteuning Handelsmerksamewerkingsvoordele: Omron, AirTAC, Hebei Motor, Renben Bearing, ens. .
Ons het 'n aparte R&D-span, en ons werk gereeld ons toerusting elke jaar op. Produksie van die produk is outomaties, wat die koste van arbeid verminder. Die toerusting is eenvoudig om te bedryf en veilig in produksie.Intelligente beheerstelsel vir toerustingVerpulping: Konsentrasiereguleerder 'n intelligente beheer van die pulpverhoudingBeheer deur 'n omskakelaar, is die vormmasjien eenvoudig om te gebruik en te bedryf.Droog: Temperatuurbeheerder Verpakkingsmasjien: Outomatiese verpakkingsmasjien met eenlyn produksie vir tel, pluk en verpakking.
The space is 50,000 square metres. Three production workshops and a spray painting shop. We invested in CNC machining centers for laser cutting, bending and laser cutting lines, as well as other completely automated equipment.
Ons maatskappy het 'n gesoute verkoopspan en 'n ervare na-verkope ondersteuningspan. Die skinkbord vir papierpulp en papierpulpvorms is kenmerkend in vergelyking met ander produkte vanweë die feit dat hulle gebou is op eksklusiewe tegnologieë en jare se ondervinding. Die aantal klante wat die land gebruik, neem toe, asook die uitvoervolumes. Ons produkte kry aanvaarding deur toenemende getalle kliënte en word uitgevoer na Europa, Suid-Amerika, Suidoos-Asië en Afrika, ens. oor die hele wêreld. Hebei Wongs Machinery verwelkom nuwe kliënte sowel as oues om by ons fabriek te kom en hul behoeftes te bespreek!
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